Saturday, October 19, 2013

Lil' Blue. The little (And blue,) daily driver.

So I've been saying for a while that I need to update the 'ole blog. So here we go.

This little blue thing is a '74 Datsun 620. Short bed, single cab. L18 motor with a four speed transmission. It's lowered... Maybe too much... And was badly painted by one of the previous owners.

The back history on this car is, simply put. I got a job and needed something that would get me to and from and get really good gas mileage. And of course me being me, it couldn't be some random Geo Metro, or Honda Accord. So I looked around and fell in love with the 1970's Datsun Pick-ups, or 620's as it were. I found this little blue thing locally and have been driving it as a daily ever since. 

As a project car, this truck has no real aim. It's just whatever I feel like and still getting me back and forth to work vehicle.

ANYWAY! No one wants to listen to me ramble, so on to the visually engaging part about this truck.

The very first day I bought it, discovered the shifter rattles a whole bunch... Turns out it's just a bushing that's really easy to replace. Fix'd. The guy I bought it from also gave me a bed full of goodies to go with the truck. I was a very happy first-time buyer. (As the photo with the doofus may clue you in to.)

Got her home and immediately decided that the mirrors needed to be mounting on the fenders in true JDM style. Also for some bizarre reason I threw an american flag on the front of it. (Which has now been transferred to my work truck which is a Chevy.)

My first attempt at fender mirrors sucked. And the holes I left were a pain to patch.

Honestly, I though it was a classy looking little truck. Even if it was smaller than a quart of oil.

I am now realizing these photos are totally not in order and I apologize for the fact I'm too lazy and my computer is too slow to reorganize them. That aside, this is some of the repairs to the holes left from the original mirrors and then the little cheap plastic ones it had on it when I bought it.

Again, patch work to the door. You can see the front fender has been patched and primered already from my first attempt at cool fender mirrors.

Work related stuff. I was admiring this trucks size compared to others.

Yes the X's serve a function. But only when I'm auto-crossing. Otherwise I'm just being stupid 'cause I think they look cool.


My brother is an excellent photographer by the way. Go check out his stuff at: ...Heck go buy his stuff if he has anything for sale. He's a good guy.

Again. More photo's of the tiny blue thing.

The first ugly fender mirrors.

This is when I went to replace the valve seals. While the Jame's Bond style smoke screen's were comical, they were not kind to my wallet in oil prices.

Changed my front license plate to something more appropriate.

I didn't like the stock steering wheel but I've yet to get a photo of the one that replaced it. What has been done in this photo is that totally awesome temporary tachometer that'll stay until I get an original one for the truck.

Check out our totally professional garage work area.

Does anyone have problems with these things tracking mud all over your freshly washed car?

Did me some handpainting on the side of the truck... Any Initial D fans out there?

Again, the painting. Also those are the REAL fender mirrors. Not accurate to the year model truck, but the ones that came stock in Japan were ugly... In my opinion anyway.

Also painted up the tailgate letters... And acquired a Yellow Datsun... But more on that later.

Insert old grille here.

And suddenly it's new and shiny black!

Makes the truck look so much more sporty.

Cool truck? Why thank you.

Aaand lastly. I did this. Yes. I autocrossed a '74 Datsun pick-up.

I know it's wrong...

But it was fun.

Shoulda put more pressure in those tires though.

That's all I got on the little blue. More to come soon!

...Well maybe...

If I can get off my lazy butt and stop working long enough to post more.